My Awards... Thank you!!
Thank you for those who have given me these awards. I do not go out in search of an award.
Those that are here were given to me by people like you looking at my site and offering them to me. My heartfelt thanks
to those who have taken the time to send these to me. There is a lot of blood sweat and MANY tears in this page. It is
nice to see my hard work pay off. Thank you.

Award recieved on May 28, 2001. Please click on the award to see the site..
Thank you I really do appreciate it!

Award recieved on August 15, 2000. Thank you I really do appreciate it! This means the world to me!!! Click on
pictures to go to her web site.
Award recieved on July 20, 1999. Please click on the award to see the site..
Thank you I really do appreciate it!

My first award. Got April 20, 1999 (Happy Birtday to me :s))
Thank you for the wonderful vote of confidence.
Click on the image to view the site. Again thank you!!